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General Anything that DOESNT fit in one of the other forums.... this is basically your off-topic section..

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  #1 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old October 30th, 2008
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Default mmmm new games

im bored while i wait for my drives to defrag after moving around a couple 100gb of files, so im going to rant a bit...


Far Cry 2

anyone else check this out yet??

im kinda disappointed with it after playing for a couple hours.. I was expecting the graphics to be way better. They were saying it was like crysis but ran better, well, it certainly runs better but thats because it doesnt look nearly as good. It still looks pretty damn good but not as much as i was expecting.

but africa is also pretty bland looking so theres really not that much color around to begin with i guess

i had actually planned on getting a new gpu for it but my 8800gts (G80) runs it smoothly.. 1680x1050, DX10 mode, No AA, everything set to ultra high (except for the options that only goto high or very high) except vegetation is on high or very high and shadows i believe i have at high and my fps seems to average around 40ish

crysis with lower res and settings turned down a bit i only averaged around 20fps yet even at that it felt very smooth and looked way better

..one thing i cant believe is the retardedness with widescreen resolutions, the FOV for widescreen is so messed up i dont understand how they could release it like that.. Its the same issue that bioshock had (tho i believe they fixed that with a patch) but at least someone made a nice little program to fix the fov so running in 16:10 looks good now lol

so far it doesnt seem too bad but its kinda got that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feel to it, where you spend 90% of the time traveling around to where you gotta go and i see that having the probability of getting boring real fast..

the AI was supposed to be really good, but it doesnt seem different then any other game.. and there seems to be a good amount of bugs/glitches with the AI that ive already seen, one is funny as hell.. sometimes they just like flop around on the ground, looks like they are break dancing or some shit.. Plus why the fuck can the AI drive the same vehicle twice as fast as i can, thats some fucking bullshit, even worse when they have a slower vehicle and they catch right up to me without a problem

im not even sure why they are using the far cry name, it has nothing to do with the 1st far cry so it really should be named something else but they obviously want to cash in on the success of the far cry name...

ughh lol.. i had high hopes for this game, but again ive only played a couple hours worth of it so who knows it might get better, and hopefully there will be a patch to fix some of the gayness soon


what a fucking joke..

ive got the beta and i gotta say, its just COD4 with a WWII theme to it.. dont get me wrong cod4 was a good game but they could have at least changed shit up more.. granted its still a beta but i doubt there will be any major changes before the final version.. The graphics werent even improved apon either.. it feels more like a COD4 mod then a new game.. theres tons of reviews up already about how its 99% COD4


BIA: Hell's Highway

I thought this game was fucking great, WWII genre games are a bit over used but this one is definitly worth playing.. has lots of cinematics, sometimes too long, but overall its pretty damn good.. Looks great on DX10 and runs incredibly well maxed out.. I had thought MoH:Airborne was good, but this blows it away


it seems 2008 is a big year for games with a lot of hype but rarely living up to it...

Clear Sky got pretty boring fast lol, it seemed like i was going thru Shadows all over again with just some minor differences and improved graphics (plus that horrible morning lag when the sun came up) but i also didnt really get to far into it before i wiped out my vista partition so im undecided if i should reinstall and continue it or not..

Crysis Warhead i was looking forward to, but i only tried to play it once and it would crash everytime the 1st mission started and i havent bothered to mess with it since.. Plus i heard it wasnt that good and was basically Crysis with some more action but once again an extremely short game that only takes a few hours or so to finish... Plus im usually not a big fan of aliens in video games, i think it would be way better if the enemy was just the north koreans and not them plus the aliens

Fallout 3 and Dead Space just came out and both are supposed to be really good but im not too impressed with the majority of the screen shots and shit, but im downloading them anyway and might get around to trying them out

the only new games this year that i can recall really enjoying were hell's highway and mass effect.. I had never even heard of mass effect till i saw torrents for it when it first came out, but it ended up being a really good game. Tho it definitly has some problems with drivers and i had to install some pretty old gpu drivers just to get it to play for more then 5 minutes without crashing

Operation Flashpoint was the only other game i can think of that might give this year a great game, but ive been starting to feel like it probably wont live up to everything either, and now that they delayed the release till 2009 i guess that doesnt matter anyway lol

when the fuck are some actual great games (that arent incredibly short) going to come out.. wtf

ok im done for now

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Last edited by diamond-optic; October 30th, 2008 at 10:04 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2008
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cool cool...

still looking forward to WOTLK(wow expansion) and Diablo 3! i know they gonna own!
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  #3 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old October 30th, 2008
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ugh not to mention mercenaries 2..

lol worst graphics of 2008.. plus its a console port too, and a shitty job at doing that...

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2008
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yeah COD 5 runs off the COD4 engine so that makes sense but there are vehicles wich are a + and OFP 2 is going to be the greatest thing of all time , and I still really want far cry 2 especially if it has that Stalker feel you were talking about... When I first played Stalker i nearly shit my pants and I cant wait to do it again lol, and I have been wanting the BOA , any one check out that game Pure it looked fucking sick. Some other things to look forward to in 2009 World in conflict soviet assualt "WOLVERINES!!!".... ARMA II, oh and H.A.W.X looks really cool from the trailer but got a feeliing its gonna suckand blah blah blah

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  #5 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old October 30th, 2008
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yeah but even still they could have changed shit up a bit.. the hud is practically the same, the perks and all that shit.. and they definitly should have made the graphics even better even being its on the same engine (they probably didnt even update the engine at all)

theres a lot of games that use the unreal 3 engine and each new one that comes out tends to have better graphics then the previous ones even tho they are all based on the same engine..

plus those dumb fucks arent putting any DX10 extras in cod5 either, its all based on dx9 (they want it to be easy to put it on consoles too)
..it also explains how they made it so fast too

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old October 30th, 2008
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yeah its gonna be the same thing everybody plays it for 6 months and stops... maybe who knows, but seriously OFP 2 man... endless possibilities of blowing shit up! 200 sqr miles

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