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  #1 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old November 25th, 2006
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Default Wall Shots... (to clarify)

this is directed towards both players AND admins

there seems to be alot of confusion over this right now.. so I thought i'd try and straighten it up a bit...


ive been hearing this on the server for days now.. that just about ANY shot thru a wall gets a 'against the server rules' comment..

Did i make this rule? no i dont remember that at all...

tho i mean i have no problem with admins enforcing rules how and when they want and all that jazz.. thats why the rules listed on the server are pretty open to admins interpretation but to say something like this i believe is a bit drastic..

as i myself kill ppl thru walls on an occasion.. and damage people thru walls probably everytime i play..

so hearing admins telling ppl not to shot thru a wall again I think is a bit much.. it makes us look like idiots.. where killing someone thru a wall.. could get you kicked etc..

even the other day an admin told me not to wall anymore (tho i assume not knowing it was me heh) when what happened was i was in the apartments.. shooting at someone.. they ran thru the door.. so i shot a couple garand shots thru the edge of the door (idk its like a 2foot length of wall) and killed them... i dont see how anyone could say thats not allowed...

but thats not important

and maybe i wasnt clear.. maybe i said something totally different.. and maybe i stated something that only pertained to one person.. (most likely a person who is treated on a level below the average player) so anyways.. im saying this now:



*camping behind walls and shooting ppl thru them is not.. as this would be covered as well by the no excessive camping rule... this also most def covers if you camp behind a wall that is not accessible to the opposing team and shoot thru that... example would be in the axis house (tho say you in the sniper window and you move over behind the wall and shoot at some point killing someone (but dont camp etc..) i dont see a problem with that..

shooting usual camp spots before rounding corners etc is alright too... say your going up to the red room.. ppl always camp in that corner in there.. shooting the wall as you get up the stairs.. whats wrong with that? your on the move.. your going in that room.. you know theres a good chance of some n00b being prone in that corner...

but again.. sitting in the chair room at the brit apt entrance and shooting ppl thru the wall at the brit 2nd flag constantly is something i can see you getting told to stop.. or kicked..

and say your an mg.. whats wrong with that? (again as long as you not specifically camping the 'wall' and camping behind a wall going rambo etc..) like mg's shooting across the map thru the W crack wall.. thats totally totally fine to do.. i dont see why not.. its a bloody mg42 (or whichever) and thats a spot that ppl always go up to camp in and to use sniper rifles...

ok im tired of typing.. maybe ill try and be more specific later

and dont make any gay ass replies to this either.. if your gonna say something it better be good and it better be on topic...

but basically... remember this..

wall shooting is fine.. as long as your not excessively abusing it, camping, or like 90% of your kills are from that (now if you have 1 kill and it was thru a wall lol dont worry.. but if you have 80 kills and like 65 of them are kills thru walls... maybe you should stop hiding behind walls all the time...)

and if you cant handle this.. maybe first person shooters arent for you.. or it just means you need to practice and learn how to get around 'problems' like this ingame... and remember.. the flank is your friend

but anyways.. hope this clears stuff up a little

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 25th, 2006
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I dont know if this is directed toward me.. but i do remember saying this in game this evening.. and what i saw was.. axis came into ally apartment, like from up the middle.. so ally was coming from the w crack, toward the blue-ish room as if to go balcony to church..axis was at the end of that walkway.. aiming toward the w crack, but their entire gun was lilke in the wall jam..u couldnt even see his gun on either sideof the wall.. teh gun was completely inside the wall. nor could the allies see him from wwhere he was at. I asked him if he was wall shooting like that and he replied its part of my game.. that to me just seems like hes cheating..if that type of stuff is ok, tell me and i wont mention it again, but anyone in or coming from the w wouldnt have seen him and had no defense.. and he killed more than one that way and got pissed "at the noob" blocking him in which was me...and i didnt tell him not to do it anymore.. i asked him to try not to deliberately do stuff like that.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 26th, 2006
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well said diamond and thanks for making this a statement and clearing it up

skipped the part about the stupid replies part...lol
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 26th, 2006
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about 30% of my kills were through walls..hehe i think it was just who i got that made it bad. But yea diamond ty for clearing this up.. hope to see you back on the server soon, i found a new spam spot to try!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 26th, 2006
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the thing is, when a mapper designs a decent map... they have in mind that some walls should be shot through. these walls are adjacent to an mg position, or a sniper hole. this means when an mg or sniper is covering a direction, theres a way to kill him without being stood in front of them.

I personally dont like to wall shoot... would you use a whole clip on a wall if you were in WW2? :rolleyes: maybie if you had adhd or something...
I have only ever done it on flash, where on the allie's origional side there is a house that leads into middle.. it looks over to a little house with a small window that snipers camp in, and are hard to hit directly.

if you say that wall shooting is ok, then ok.
oh and if it was me who asked you to stop Dia, dont feel special, I did it to everyone
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  #6 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old November 26th, 2006
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Quote: Originally Posted by Jonny Automatic View Post
the thing is, when a mapper designs a decent map... they have in mind that some walls should be shot through. these walls are adjacent to an mg position, or a sniper hole. this means when an mg or sniper is covering a direction, theres a way to kill him without being stood in front of them.

they could make any walls unable to be shot thru if they had wanted.. thats why some walls ingame that you'd think you'd be able to shoot thru.. you cant

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old December 16th, 2006
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if someone is put up against the wall, u should be able to see his gun stickin out wich means you can shoot him through the wall
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  #8 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old December 16th, 2006
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thats another thing that some ppl dont seem to understand..

and also times when someone is prone in a corner.. and their feet stick thru the wall (i see this alot with ppl camping the corner in the red room on ava)

* this is my 500th post :-\

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

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