December 16th, 2006
forum member
Join Date: December 16th, 2006
Status: No Status
Posts: 87
Hello :)
Hey. From what I've been reading about, cdrive is much like another clan I'm in, which started as a Battle.net clan, but is now just a community of friends (<3 said community), but with gaming, which I like. I've been around for a few days, mostly just getting shot in the face, but it's been fun. I figure that I've got not much of a chance of getting in now, but here it is. I've played with Trix, Krissi, Leo (who's name is apparently John?), and a few others probably, and none of them seemed to hate me, so I take that as a good sign.
Anyway, I'll go ahead and give my biography:
I'm 19, and currently a freshman at the College of Engineering at Drexel University. I used to like CS, but DoD is so much more fun now. I'm planning on going pro SSBM sometime, but right now I really suck. I'm single and my favorite color is blue. I like reading, programming, movies, TV, anime, manga, and the ladies.
That's me in a nutshell. If you have any questions feel free to ask (like you need my permission?).