August 10th, 2007
forum member
Join Date: June 28th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 82
I've had three jobs in 9 months.
1.) Worked at Slack's Hoagie Shack making minimum wage. I grilled j00r 54ndw1ch3z and (mainly) cheese steaks. Ugh. You haven't an idea of what hell is until you've had 20 food tickets lined up on a Sunday when the Eagles are playing. Each one with ridiculous exceptions, or additions. Mayonaisse on a cheese steak, with pickles? Wtf?
2.) I bussed tables at a restaurant called Mozzarella Grill. That place wasn't so bad. I got shat upon because I was the busboy... but what can you do. My dad got me a job at another restaurant in which his friend worked. Waiting tables! Quite the promotion!
3.) Two weeks in, my dad's friend sells the place.
And some facist Albanian guy takes over. Changes everything around and starts weeding out all the old waiters/waitresses. He set them up for failure, not telling them the changes and making them falter in their job. It was evil I say. Nevertheless, I lasted there for another month to come. I was pulling in about $100 cash every weekend night. Paid for my Spain trip. I wasn't the best waiter, so I was to be weeded out. He tried to get me to quit, so that he wouldn't have to fire me. He did in the end.
I should have pulled blackmail, saying I could get him in trouble for hiring a 17 year old in a restaurant that serves alkeehul (need to be 18 to serve it in NJ).
I shook his hand and walked out. Morals ftl. Although I plan to go back and slash his tires one day...