August 11th, 2007
i dont want a goldfish
Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
Status: hazey
Posts: 3,259
ive never managed to get fired lol...
my first job years ago was at a drugstore.. and i used to have a free for all there.. free cartons of cigarrettes for me and my friends lol.. and one night a week the on duty manager was a girl i was friends with and went to my high school (she was probably like 2 years ahead of me maybe) and i would fill up a shopping cart with beer and just wheel it out to my car and load up my trunk lol.. i dont recall ever paying for anything there lol, anything i wanted i just decided it 'never came in on the delivery truck' ...but eventually i got a bit outta control lol.. as any time people would pay exact change for something and didnt want a receipt, i would void out the sale and pocket the money lol some days i would walk away with like 50+ $ cash.. which my bosses were a bit suspicious.. but i would always check if the security cameras were recording or not and usually they werent so i didnt feel much risk then lol.. eventually i ended up quiting because they wouldnt give me time off for a week-long party my friend was having lol
then my next job was at a country club.. and i used to do whatever the hell i wanted there.. but that place really sucked ass... there was days i took too much acid and decided not to go into work for 2 or 3 days without even calling.. and they would like beg me to come back lol, probably cause i was one of the few fuckups there that actually did any work and did it right.. its funny i even got raises because acid made me not want to work there anymore lol.. but when it got to the point where i was either taking a little bit of mushrooms all the time while there or smoking weed every other hour just to get thru the days that i knew i needed something different
and now i work at a restuarant for these 2 women ive known for like 4 or 5 years, and i doubt they would ever fire me unless i really did something crazy... i mean i go in whenever i feel like it everyday.. shit its 11:15 right now and im 'supposed' to work at 10.. theres even been days where the waitstaff there has pissed me off so much that i just said fuckit and walked out.. of course i got non stop phone calls for days pleading for me to come back lol.. and lately ive been in such a shit mood everyday that i barely get anything done.. like yesterday i spent like 3 or 4 hours doing something that should have taken like an hour and it didnt really matter lol..
eventually i hope to move up in the world and find a job where i dont have to show up at all and still get payed..
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.