i have to agree with you..
personally.. i rarely, if ever, will kick someone for camping as it really isnt that hard to find a way to kill them, unless you suck balls..
like if it stops you from going the same way everytime or prevents you from being able to walk right into a flag and cap it or such.. then technically they are doing a good job.. using primed nades, smoke nades, or going around and getting them from behind usually does the trick..
when it comes down to it.. EVERYONE camps.. at least if you are any good you do lol.. because no matter what you will at least get to a point where you cant move up anymore.. at least not by yourself (whats the point of going to the flag if its just gonna say 1/2 players and give you away without even being able to cap) or where walking out a doorway or something into the sights of 6 different guys is sure to get you killed.. when instead you can let them blindly walk into yours first
and when it comes to the mg.. what are you supposed to do.. really.. i mean shit im the only one that can get 10:1 ratios with it undeployed (hahhaha) so sitting somewhere and deploying it is really the only option.. and doing so right out in the open is a quick way to get killed... and when you watch any WWII movie with mgs.. most of the time they are very well concealed and in order to get them they usually have to be flanked (or tell one of the noob snipers on your team to get them)...
but ya.. sitting in the same spot or two the entire map (especially if its one of those spots where the enemy cant see you at all while you can see them just fine) is definitly in the excessive category but otherwise.. some camping has to be allowed otherwise you lose alot of the challenge of the game when you have everyone just running around in circles like a bunch of noobs
Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
Last edited by diamond-optic; December 23rd, 2007 at 11:37 AM.