sorry man lol.. just got home from work and saw you on the banlist.. was like wtf did he do lol...
This is from valve's Documentation....
Rapid/Burst Detection
The Rapid/Burst detection monitors the speeds at which a player fires his gun and detects the use of anything which allows a player to fire faster than should be possible. This detection is great for detecting multihacks, rapidfire scripts, burstfire scripts and also mousewheel triggers.
An unintelligent newbie once explained very well what this system can do:
Me and a couple of my buddies were playing with duelies in a public server with HLGuard on it. We were like, "Dudes, we should use mousewheel as our fire button and make our duelies shoot super fast." So we did. About a second later, we were all banned for "Rapid/Burstfire Hacks/Scripts"...
So remember: Using a mousewheel as fire WILL be detected, as it allows players to fire at an inhumanly rate, especially with certain guns.