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Old February 1st, 2008
Fury Fury is offline
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Join Date: February 1st, 2008
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Posts: 3
Default Ever Dearest Krissi

Folks, my names Fury. I have played in your server many times, and have always enjoyed it. Today sadly, I was banned by Krissi. Now, usually Krissi is one of the nicest people going, funny, smart, and not to mention one hell of a shot with the Garand.

I made some comments to her, after her staying in a house and killing me 3 or 4 times, I called her a camper. She stated she moves, never staying in same place. So, I started to do the same. She told me, Now who's camping? And I said, Just doing waht you do. I then later said Ty to her for being where I knew she would be, which is over the second flag, camping of course so she can grab the 2nd flag, which btw is about the only flag she will get in a game. I do recall Krissi making a comment to me, and then I said "LOL what ever sis".

Three minutes later, out of no where she just kicks me. By this time I had adjusted my game play and started beating her regularly which appeared to anger Krissi. I came back on, asked why I had been kicked and she says "YOu talk to me again and your banned for disrespecting the admin." MInd you it had been a good 2 to 3 minutes since I had said anything.

She said I should go to another server If I dont like it here. I said I like it here and did not say another word. It came to a point that I killed Krissi probably around 5 to 6 times in a row and BOOM, I was banned.
So, Krissi, other then I was beating you badly, why was I banned? I did not speak to you, played by the server rules, did not use profanity, abided by your command to say nothing more and then I was banned? For what?

I think the ban was totally unfair, and not implemented because of any form of disrespect, but because Krissi, who LOOOOVES to hide in houses and rack up the kills, now had the tables reversed and became angry that a pubber was beating her on a regular basis on her server. Do as you will folks, keep the ban if you wish. And Krissi, when you got killed before you banned me, you were killed by enemyX who I believe naded you in spawn or shot in spawn.

Thanks Krissi. Just a word of advice, you really shouldnt get all pissy because a pubber beat you fair and square. Its the game, learn how to play it.


Last edited by Fury; February 1st, 2008 at 07:40 AM.
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