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Bans / Report Cheaters Think someone is cheating? Been banned yourself and dont know why? Discuss this sorta stuff & post demos here..

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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Default Ever Dearest Krissi

Folks, my names Fury. I have played in your server many times, and have always enjoyed it. Today sadly, I was banned by Krissi. Now, usually Krissi is one of the nicest people going, funny, smart, and not to mention one hell of a shot with the Garand.

I made some comments to her, after her staying in a house and killing me 3 or 4 times, I called her a camper. She stated she moves, never staying in same place. So, I started to do the same. She told me, Now who's camping? And I said, Just doing waht you do. I then later said Ty to her for being where I knew she would be, which is over the second flag, camping of course so she can grab the 2nd flag, which btw is about the only flag she will get in a game. I do recall Krissi making a comment to me, and then I said "LOL what ever sis".

Three minutes later, out of no where she just kicks me. By this time I had adjusted my game play and started beating her regularly which appeared to anger Krissi. I came back on, asked why I had been kicked and she says "YOu talk to me again and your banned for disrespecting the admin." MInd you it had been a good 2 to 3 minutes since I had said anything.

She said I should go to another server If I dont like it here. I said I like it here and did not say another word. It came to a point that I killed Krissi probably around 5 to 6 times in a row and BOOM, I was banned.
So, Krissi, other then I was beating you badly, why was I banned? I did not speak to you, played by the server rules, did not use profanity, abided by your command to say nothing more and then I was banned? For what?

I think the ban was totally unfair, and not implemented because of any form of disrespect, but because Krissi, who LOOOOVES to hide in houses and rack up the kills, now had the tables reversed and became angry that a pubber was beating her on a regular basis on her server. Do as you will folks, keep the ban if you wish. And Krissi, when you got killed before you banned me, you were killed by enemyX who I believe naded you in spawn or shot in spawn.

Thanks Krissi. Just a word of advice, you really shouldnt get all pissy because a pubber beat you fair and square. Its the game, learn how to play it.


Last edited by Fury; February 1st, 2008 at 07:40 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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your hot air was so much im not even reading through it. Anyone who knows me at all knows I cant stay in one spot for any length of time. I DO NOT camp. we happened to be taking the same route possibly. You became verbally disrespectful so i kicked you. You came back, I let you stay, then you decided to plant yourself in ally house. I told you twice to move around and stop camping the entrance to ally spawn. as soon as i got done saying that, you moved closer to the door and shot me as i jumped down from spawn into the ally house. the ban was for five minutes, get over it. any other admin would have abused you excessively and gave you a permanent ban. I was the only one on the ally team you had three on axis and you chose to camp the house excessively killing me repeatedly as I walked into the house. ( yeah sounds like Im repeating myself) I told you twice to move, you didnt..get the picture? and for anyone else that actually plays with me, do I EVER hide in any house and rack up kills? no.. I enter ally house, go up stairs, drop down to second flag, usually pausing to throw a nade then into dark door up to red room then blue and down to axis second and so on.. this is how I ALWAYS go.. If I hear footsteps, I usually dont have the patience to wait to see where people are coming from, but when theres just a couple people playing I pause a lil more because without so much noise I can try to identify the direction.

and fyi theres been prolly (not lately cuz Ive been busy) prolly 6-7 months ina row that Ive gotten the award for capturing most ally flags.. Im always left in the middle by myself waiting for someone to decide to get the objective.. you obviously dont know me at all and I find your assesment of me to be completely inaccurate and offensive.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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<3 Krissi! quite possibly the nicest admin, so if you got banned by her YOU fucked up!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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Ok, you dont camp, what do you call it? Strategic placement? Listen Krissi, your dreaming, your CONSTANTLY IN THE HOUSE Which has the red room and the blue room! ALWAYS! HIding by the stairs getting your kills. Please, please dont start denying whats painfully obvious. Your route is 90 percent of the time the exact same. Come out of spawn, over the second allied flag, run into the house, camp the first stairs, look out through the dbl red room windows and get some kills, then camp the stairs, then move to the blue room, cmap the stiars, shoot out through the blue room windw, cmap the stairs....PLEASE. Every once in a while you change your route, but thats your game 9 out of ten times. YOur just whining cause your easy to figure. Btw, I mute voice so I dont have to hear the endless stupid banter you here on the air while your playing. So, I didnt hear you. If you had written it, I would have known. Listen krissin, whatever. Just dont get bent cause you got beat, thats all it boils down too.
You want to ban me, so ban me. Just dont masquerade this for anything other then what it is, you got beat on your server and you couldnt beat me fairly so you banned me.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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You obviously haven't played with PastaDental.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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krissi got beat on her own server?!?! no way!
furry.. everyone knows krissi isn't the best killer on avamods, she admits it as much lol
so its pretty obvious you are talking crap lol
second... I watched over her shoulder last night... she indeed pauses so much as to pinpoint footstep direction.
third... 5 minute ban...
fourth ... arguing with an admin is asking for trouble...
fifth... displaying you're annoyance publicly like this makes you look bad, not her...
better to email the admin you felt wronged by and appologise for what you did or ask politely what you did...

and as timmah said... she is nicest... and also the most tolerant of the admins...

less than 3 for my krissi
Hi! My name is Ronald!
and youre name is DOUCHEBAG!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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hmmm......well i take the same route 100% of the time so what does that make me.....lmao krissi banning someone means ur a moron stfu you made your 2 posts and im sure thats all ur going to make unless u make a follow up to me calling you a moron......

Perma Ban <333
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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less then three jonny <333
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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Quote: Originally Posted by Fury View Post
Ok, you dont camp, what do you call it? Strategic placement? Listen Krissi, your dreaming, your CONSTANTLY IN THE HOUSE Which has the red room and the blue room! ALWAYS! HIding by the stairs getting your kills. Please, please dont start denying whats painfully obvious. Your route is 90 percent of the time the exact same. Come out of spawn, over the second allied flag, run into the house, camp the first stairs, look out through the dbl red room windows and get some kills, then camp the stairs, then move to the blue room, cmap the stiars, shoot out through the blue room windw, cmap the stairs....PLEASE. Every once in a while you change your route, but thats your game 9 out of ten times. YOur just whining cause your easy to figure. Btw, I mute voice so I dont have to hear the endless stupid banter you here on the air while your playing. So, I didnt hear you. If you had written it, I would have known. Listen krissin, whatever. Just dont get bent cause you got beat, thats all it boils down too.
You want to ban me, so ban me. Just dont masquerade this for anything other then what it is, you got beat on your server and you couldnt beat me fairly so you banned me.

As of now Fury, I lost total respect for you. When you say you know someone, you best KNOW someone. Krissi takes a path because it's the one she is comfortable with, AND - it's the easiest to pin-point foot steps. Again, as stated - she is the most tolerant of all admins. She respects as long as she is given the respect.

Go find another home, obviously you are a pub-nub. gg
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2008
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this kid sounds fucking pro.. wish i was in there. Unban him i wanna play with him! along with demart does too
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