Quote: Originally Posted by
Ok, you dont camp, what do you call it? Strategic placement? Listen Krissi, your dreaming, your CONSTANTLY IN THE HOUSE Which has the red room and the blue room! ALWAYS! HIding by the stairs getting your kills. Please, please dont start denying whats painfully obvious. Your route is 90 percent of the time the exact same. Come out of spawn, over the second allied flag, run into the house, camp the first stairs, look out through the dbl red room windows and get some kills, then camp the stairs, then move to the blue room, cmap the stiars, shoot out through the blue room windw, cmap the stairs....PLEASE. Every once in a while you change your route, but thats your game 9 out of ten times. YOur just whining cause your easy to figure. Btw, I mute voice so I dont have to hear the endless stupid banter you here on the air while your playing. So, I didnt hear you. If you had written it, I would have known. Listen krissin, whatever. Just dont get bent cause you got beat, thats all it boils down too.
You want to ban me, so ban me. Just dont masquerade this for anything other then what it is, you got beat on your server and you couldnt beat me fairly so you banned me.
As of now Fury, I lost total respect for you. When you say you know someone, you best KNOW someone. Krissi takes a path because it's the one she is comfortable with, AND - it's the easiest to pin-point foot steps. Again, as stated - she is the most tolerant of all admins. She respects as long as she is given the respect.
Go find another home, obviously you are a pub-nub. gg