well first and foremost my comment was not meant to be malicious in fact it was a joke...but if you would like to take it seriously thats fine i really dont care its the internet truth be told its my opinion and this is just an opinion which for the most part i know doesnt count considering i am not a "member" nor do i feel anyones opinion but diamonds matters cuz what it all boils down to is its his server ...but regardless my opinion is the "admins" should set an example for the other players...and thats that. Zooka glitching is lame and so is nade glitching its a cheap way to get a kill...and im not being a hypocrite bc i nade glitch occasionally but if you were made an admin it means diamond and the fellow admins are trusting you with enforcing the rules of the server, and the rules clearly state NO cheating or exploiting of any kind i agree if an admin tells/asks you to do something you should most definitely do it....but if an admin of the server is in there glitching or has a history of glitching i dont think its fair for them to say "stop glitching...even though im doing it myself" thats just my opinion i dont have a problem with anyone for the record i think the new admins are all good choices and i wouldnt say it if i didnt mean it....but if making new members is only going to start drama then thats just silly....the "drama" should of ended with krissi....moral of the story...admins should set an example....buck stop being so stubborn and stop starting shit with weenie and wifey and weenie and wifey dont take things over the internet personally....and timmy hacks, and no one believes me.