September 2nd, 2008
R.I.P. Big Pun
Join Date: October 16th, 2007
Location: NY
Status: looking for a spoon
Posts: 1,425
ok this is gona take a while...
overlooked was a bad choice of words my apologies for that...I was just misled and thats no ones fault but my own...and in my own opinion caring about something to much is a bad reason...but at this point i wouldnt want it if it was offered.
and i've never been abused before by any of the "older" admins so when a new one who i've never had a problem with until he got admin decided to come into the server and gag me repeatedly...of course i'm going to complain about it....it was ridiculous....i'm not saying im immune to admins..im merely saying if i do something that merits "abuse" then fine but i didnt therefore its lame...I PAID to play here and i'm not saying that makes me untouchable but I would think it means something....putting aside the fact that this is the only server I play in and I play religiously and get along with all the people that matter I dont feel being gagged for no reason is right.
As far as the admin chat...I cant argue with that...so my apologies for that as well.
Appreciation for my devotion to the server, finding hackers, letting you know when theres a problem, upholding the rules as best i can, always being in there and talking to the regs having a good time...I dunno maybe it was a silly word I feel things of this nature are important but again its just my opinion which i am entitled to.
I'm not threatening anyone theres literally 100's of people that play...and I know one person stopping playing wont do much but if i was to stop playing everyone would ask where i'm at so dont give me that bullshit....If i was to stop playing here i would stop playing dod b/c every other server sucks as i've said in the past.
I've never been able to do whatever I want but i have been given special treatment in the past and i've always been thankful for it. ALWAYS.
As far as coltron goes I dont want a problem with you...but if you dont like me then fine idc its the internet...just dont pretend to.
and thats it. Anything further can be discussed with me elsewhere..I'd like to continue playing in the server but if its going to cause drama I wont...I leave it up to you guys....Take a vote if you want...if the answer is no..ban me....if its yes then i'll see ya in there.