February 11th, 2009
forum n00b
Join Date: February 11th, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 5
Coltron Admin Abuser Loses traffic to server what a tard
Coltron absues his admin. IF soemoen says on thing he dont like he bans or mute them no matter how wrong he is. Everyoen must agree or get banned or muted.
While he sits and talks about drugs to little children. Or stealing and being a complete reject of society.
See coltron tellign little kids to use drugs or steal . And to also tell kids there is no god.
Shows how big a reject you or anyone is that does this. Your just drug addict. Lives in his basement or attic .While his mom is to stupid to throw you out. Your dad left logn time ago. OR does like you.
Its very apparent. Or else you had real father. He beat you down on your head. And toss you to street.
making a wrong right in your mind is called rationalizing. It shows how bad society has become.
You might think your bigshot.Absue admin privalges cause one your buddies let you be one. But in truth.
Your jsut a wart on the ass of society headed straigt down to where you belong with rest of the rejects. Just like you.
You absue many people on the server. And noone wants to goto your server. Because of you. Someone made a good mod for dod. But chickenshit people like you try ruin it for others. SOme punk kid thats needs and going to get ass whiped . Prob by some same drug heads you defend and pretend to be your friends. See one day they wont have nothign to do with you. You will stop gettign moms money. Your girl or boyfriends will leave you. Cause of way you are. Noone can talk less they agree with you. Thers no way you will ever find a real girl . Period. Its kinda funny you cause yourself not to get laid. You deserve it. So you play with yourself alot. More than now. And soem your drug friends die. Rest dont come around anymore.
You lose your licensce. Then you keep taking those pills or drugs. Then your gone either by your own hand knowling or out stupidity for beign drug head first place. Or cancer cause by pot you like to use or sell.
Keep trying to corrupt children in that server. You will get what u deserve.