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Coltron absues his admin. IF soemoen says on thing he dont like he bans or mute them no matter how wrong he is. Everyoen must agree or get banned or muted.
While he sits and talks about drugs to little children. Or stealing and being a complete reject of society. See coltron tellign little kids to use drugs or steal . And to also tell kids there is no god. Shows how big a reject you or anyone is that does this. Your just drug addict. Lives in his basement or attic .While his mom is to stupid to throw you out. Your dad left logn time ago. OR does like you. Its very apparent. Or else you had real father. He beat you down on your head. And toss you to street. making a wrong right in your mind is called rationalizing. It shows how bad society has become. You might think your bigshot.Absue admin privalges cause one your buddies let you be one. But in truth. Your jsut a wart on the ass of society headed straigt down to where you belong with rest of the rejects. Just like you. You absue many people on the server. And noone wants to goto your server. Because of you. Someone made a good mod for dod. But chickenshit people like you try ruin it for others. SOme punk kid thats needs and going to get ass whiped . Prob by some same drug heads you defend and pretend to be your friends. See one day they wont have nothign to do with you. You will stop gettign moms money. Your girl or boyfriends will leave you. Cause of way you are. Noone can talk less they agree with you. Thers no way you will ever find a real girl . Period. Its kinda funny you cause yourself not to get laid. You deserve it. So you play with yourself alot. More than now. And soem your drug friends die. Rest dont come around anymore. You lose your licensce. Then you keep taking those pills or drugs. Then your gone either by your own hand knowling or out stupidity for beign drug head first place. Or cancer cause by pot you like to use or sell. Keep trying to corrupt children in that server. You will get what u deserve. |
youre quite retarded, as i can say for a fact that youre completely wrong about who/what you think he is lol my guess is youre a bit upset that you suck at dod, tho i will take into consideration how you feel its your decision of what server admins can and cant do, especially when it comes to idiots like you and by losing traffic, you must be referring to dumbasses like yourself.. cant say i see a problem with that at all.. the server is ranked in the top 10 in the US.. so obviously youre right about that! Quote:
Or cancer cause by pot
wtf lol.. as hard as it is to understand you cause you obviously dont know english.. show some examples of ppl getting cancer from marijuana.. cause that would kinda contradict why its given to cancer patients... feel free to make yourself look like a bigger fool by post anything else thats obviously incorrect ![]() ![]() ![]() | AvaMods | dodplugins | amxx plugins | Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
oh now i know youre a fucking dumbass...
EastEndAssassin.. the guy that crys hacks all the time.. for example, crying about me being better then you last night and begging admins to ban me lol GG at being fucking awful ![]() ![]() ![]() | AvaMods | dodplugins | amxx plugins | Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
Its given for pain .It cause cancer as well. Its proven to cause differnt cancers. Testicluar is jsut one. Keep doing it. Good for you. HAve all you want. Buy more spend all your money. Become a slave to it.
Coltron is A Admin abuser. One thing is said he dont like ive watch him mute or ban 50 people. Peopel leave and dont return. DOd is dead. Any server with 10 people and no bots. WOuld get a rating. he loses many people. Myself beign one .And more people i know. He sits i nthere and promotes drugs to children? little kids? Your mind is warped. Just because your a pothead. Doesnt mean everyone is. Its the true rejects of society think otherwise. What a wasteful and useless bunch.Or person think such a thing Dod is dead .main reason cheaters. Other reason is such things as goes on there. And i spent past week beatign him up down server. IF you do that he gets mad. And it you talk and dont agree with him. He will ban or mute. No matter how stupid. Less you was there or seen .Shows stupidity of just defending such a person . Just because its your friend or pot buddy doesnt make you or him right. Im sure name was coltron or kaltron .Im sure its same person. Just because soemone doesnt like be admin absued doest make them bad player. ODd you blame other person unfairly for no reason.Shows kind person you are as well. |
Most admins or alot now.Cheat and or let there buddies cheat. IF you was cheating. Thats your problem
And also people infiltrate servers or suck up admins to admin .SO they can cheat with impunity. Maybe someone should report all that drug talk your not only ones has ips. See im a former admin 5 years. See brag about drugs can get you into trouble..Or maybe i just let it go. You guys can smoke all drugs you want. Its less time in this world you will be. Kill yourselfs good. Its less time that real peopel have to deal with degenerates. I admined 5 years. So i know alot of admins blatantly cheat. OR let there pot head friends .You fool noone. your server will die like rest of dod servers. Just by being way you are. All that work on mod was wasted. Because of people who absuse players for no reason. Coltron started it. And then to blame others shows the integrity of people here. Your doomed to fail. In fact dod is dead already. You jsut dont know it. And no matter what long as your drug heads. Your losers in life. This is just a game. Noone makes anyoen come your server. People come. And should be considered valuable to soemoen wantign to make a mod. Not absued by some drug addict punks. Who live in a haze. |
![]() Its given for pain .It cause cancer as well. Its proven to cause differnt cancers. Testicluar is jsut one. Keep doing it. Good for you. HAve all you want. Buy more spend all your money. Become a slave to it.
lets see some proof? exactly, there isnt any for your argument Coltron is A Admin abuser. One thing is said he dont like ive watch him mute or ban 50 people. Peopel leave and dont return.
DOd is dead. Any server with 10 people and no bots. WOuld get a rating. he loses many people. Myself beign one .And more people i know. He sits i nthere and promotes drugs to children? little kids? wrong again.. and as for you.. think anyone cares? the fact that you went thru the trouble to register and cry about being gagged cause your a dumbass means you obviously have some self-esteem issues and for some reason think that a) your opinion matters b) you know what youre talking about, and c) that youre not a retard Your mind is warped. Just because your a pothead. Doesnt mean everyone is. Its the true rejects of society think otherwise. What a wasteful and useless bunch.Or person think such a thing
actually if you took part in society, youd realize that its a fact that theres more ppl who ARE NOT against marijuana then there is that are against it.. a large percentage of the most famous and influencial people in the world have or do smoke marijuana (if not use other drugs) Dod is dead .main reason cheaters. Other reason is such things as goes on there.
lol dod isnt dead, it might not be at its peak anymore obviously, but you cant expect that from a game as old as dod is.. and actually servers that only get 10 ppl are definitly not getting good ranks lol, do some research.. but obviously that cheater comment there proves even more so that you have no idea what youre talking about Just because soemone doesnt like be admin absued doest make them bad player. ODd you blame other person unfairly for no reason.Shows kind person you are as well.
lol but the thing is, you really are fucking bad at dod, so i dont see your point here.. want proof of that? ask anyone thats played with you, or just look at the stats.. most often you cant even get a 1:1 ratio which doesnt even take skill to do personally, i dont want you to like me, your a fucking dumbass and everytime i would play with you, all you do is cry about this or that.. cheater here cheater there.. omg he's better then me what a cheater no one likes playing with people like that... the less people on a server crying hacks all the time, the happier everyone else is ![]() ![]() ![]() | AvaMods | dodplugins | amxx plugins | Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
Last edited by diamond-optic; February 11th, 2009 at 06:32 PM. |
oh ok.. so not only are you a fucking dumbass.. but youre a fag too
gg believing propaganda got anything else to make yourself look even more stupid? ![]() ![]() ![]() | AvaMods | dodplugins | amxx plugins | Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
fucking deputy haha fucking go to CPD with your kb toys pistol and cry about the internet being a bad place
as for crying about admin abuse lol.. its not even a factor once youve broken rules
so far youre batting 1000 with your argument ![]() ![]() ![]() | AvaMods | dodplugins | amxx plugins | Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.
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