February 11th, 2009
forum n00b
Join Date: February 11th, 2009
Status: No Status
Posts: 5
Its given for pain .It cause cancer as well. Its proven to cause differnt cancers. Testicluar is jsut one. Keep doing it. Good for you. HAve all you want. Buy more spend all your money. Become a slave to it.
Coltron is A Admin abuser. One thing is said he dont like ive watch him mute or ban 50 people. Peopel leave and dont return.
DOd is dead. Any server with 10 people and no bots. WOuld get a rating. he loses many people.
Myself beign one .And more people i know. He sits i nthere and promotes drugs to children? little kids?
Your mind is warped. Just because your a pothead. Doesnt mean everyone is. Its the true rejects of society think otherwise. What a wasteful and useless bunch.Or person think such a thing
Dod is dead .main reason cheaters. Other reason is such things as goes on there.
And i spent past week beatign him up down server. IF you do that he gets mad. And it you talk and dont agree with him. He will ban or mute. No matter how stupid. Less you was there or seen .Shows stupidity of just defending such a person . Just because its your friend or pot buddy doesnt make you or him right. Im sure name was coltron or kaltron .Im sure its same person. Just because soemone doesnt like be admin absued doest make them bad player. ODd you blame other person unfairly for no reason.Shows kind person you are as well.