Quote: Originally Posted by Slimbob;
Steam ID: 1951516
Date: Unknown
Time: Unknown
Player name: Slimbob
Hello. I haven't played in quite a few months due to school and what not. Though I remember I always played on your servers cause it was always the most enjoyable. Now that I am back I see that you guys are just about the only server with a decent ping for me that actually has real people on it.
However, when I went to connect I found out I was banned. Shocking to say the least, but I vaguely remembered what happened many months ago. I did not appeal before because it happened before I moved back home from school and I had to start work at a summer job.
To the best of my memory I was on late one night as I usually was. It was only me and one other person who I believe had a FJ tag. I think it was an ava map and I guess he wanted some alone time to practice. The problem was that it was so late that I didn't have my speakers on. By time I realized he was voice chatting with me I started to put it my headphones, but I was too slow and was banned. To be fair he may have been talking to me quite awhile and given me many warnings so I should have been playing with some kind of sound.
I'm sorry about ignoring this person on that occasion, but that was the only incident I have ever had on your server and would like very much so to be able to play on it again. Thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.
Quote: Originally Posted by THAT GUN GOES STRAIGHT UP;
As I recall your a part time player of this game with no real dedication to the game or the community who's server you play on. FLAKY ! ! !
I want dedicated players on our server who are dedicated to this community, Not people who play once every ten days, or play a lot for a few months then disappear.
I would suggest that you try avamods(dot).com or clanbam(dot)com, they will be more then happy to have you play on their servers.
Your site account will be deleted because you Have no reason to have one here.
good luck.
Quote: Originally Posted by diamond-optic;
i guess thats one way to try and slow down the whole internet from making fun of you non stop
he couldnt have thought it would be that easy..
he has a script that freezes your browser. i have reported him for abuse and so should you.