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  #536 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old April 7th, 2010
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diamond-optic diamond-optic is offline
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Join Date: March 13th, 2005
Location: Upstate New York
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posted on fragjunkys by powercosmic (long but good lol):


I have been having trouble with Nuclear fallout for a few months now and have done my best to overcome their adding too many other servers to the box that we are on, causing intermittent poor bullet registration.

I ordered the VDS (virtual dedicated server) two days ago and have had noting but problems getting the 30 redirect servers up and running.

Unless they get their shit together and correctly respond to my email with the right asnswers, I will be looking for a new provider.

as of now the server is down.

Well there is even more bad news. I am shutting down this community for good.

I'm tired of having to deal with these issues and I'm tired of dealing with lame fucking morons. I also think that most of the people who play these games are complete fucking losers.

I will no longer deal with them or lame ass game server providers.

I can go about making some serious money like I have planned to this summer.

I will be needing to live on the property all summer up in lake county anyway to get this project finished.

Another reason for me shutting this community down is that I want to concentrate my efforts on my new web site dealing with and exposing the losers on the internet like (elizabeth wood) AKA Tator and the other people like her. I also have a few people I still need to take care of in person (Diamond optic & Tator) among others.

So for nows its good bye... take care and for those of you who I consider close friends (HCM's) contact me through email or steam friends so that we can keep in touch.

ThePowercosmic - Signing off for now.

peace and do not let the internet losers corrupt your thinking. Always stay true to yourself. -Kyle

Sorry but the money I am going to make this year far out weighs running my server or this community. In a few weeks, I'll be headed too Russia to meet a women I have been talking about marriage with.

It's time for me to stop fucking around and also time for me to get away from all these losers on the net. I would suggest that you all stop playing this fucking game and go chase your dreams while you still have the chance.

I have had a ton of fun with you all and all of you are very cool decent human beings.

I'm the only one that has done anything for this community because none of my clan members were smart enough or knew enough or even wanted or offered to learn how to help me.

Every time I tried to teach them anything, all they wanted to do was play the fucking game. If they had, then this community would still be alive.

So now where are they, having to play on some fucked up piece of shit server with bad hitreg.

lmao take care of in person... what a fucking dumbass, has he finally realized he's a fucking retarded douche?


Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

Last edited by diamond-optic; April 7th, 2010 at 06:06 PM.
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