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Old August 25th, 2010
Bazooka Raz Bazooka Raz is offline
community snitch
Join Date: July 13th, 2010
Location: Portland, Or
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Quote: Originally Posted by coltron View Post
The rules are posted. On the MOTD. Making it impossible to join the server without seeing the rules.

Perhaps you didnt see the large colored banners flashing on your screen intermittently that say DO NOT ATTACK DIRECTLY INTO SPAWN.

Im not sure who youre trying to lie to, as i saw you throw it in. No one was there attacking you, you ran up and started peeking the corner into spawn. I feel no need to warn you. This is a 10 year old game.

Well, when i join the server, the MOTD is just a bunch of japanese or chinese characters... nothing in english. so i dunno what that is all about.

As for attacking into spawn, apparently we have different definitions about where spawn is. I take it that spawn is inside the building and the part right outside it where the airstrike radio is, not where the doorway leading to the first flag and down the stairs is... u know, the little area u drop down into after running by the radio on the boxes. I usually drop unprimed nades there and run, and it gets people as soon as they leave their spawn. Now, people also go to the left of that drop, and come around the first flag, where they sit and snipe out of what (i believe) u consider to be spawn as well. You're right, every server has its own definition of what spawn is, most don't call that spawn. Just as most don't call the tank by the other team's spawn actually part of their spawn, since no one SPAWNS there. If that is what u guys consider spawn, i'm sorry for not knowing your definition of the word. I apologize for throwing nades there, but u should have just said something instead of insta-ban.

Being an admin is not just banning and kicking, it's about making sure people understand your rules, are respectful to other players, and other issues. What do you do about the people who can't read english (or japanese/chinese) and they don't understand what is writtten on the motd? Do you just instaban them too? There are also other options like slap, slay, kick, etc. Unless u just get off on banning, then it's just ur personal issue.
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