Quote: Originally Posted by
Is there a plug and play version we can throw up? I was hoping there wouldn't be too much work.
not really... the full backup that i have somewhere is outdated. There has been steam updates that changed the way the hlds is (i think they call the newer thing something like SteamCMD if i recall) which required an amxx update or some shit, which pretty much broke the old setup.
I had a local hlds setup a while back (when this thread is from probably) that was mostly updated and working for a windows server, idk if it was working with linux.. or even if it still works with windows if there was more updates... Is your box windows or linux? I might still have those files around, I know I had like 4 or 5 hlds setups so I would just need to find them and figure out which was the latest
Im in NY right now, but will be heading back to PA in a day or two so I can get the rest of my stuff and do some other crap (cancel internet, pickup my last paycheck, etc) but I should be able to get deeper into this once Im back in NY again over the weekend or next week