Quote: Originally Posted by
diamond just say yes.. dont just view this and say nothing... you heard pope on the server he said he would love it if i was added to the family..he said he doesnt like these random poeple he never even talked to in.
"If" this is true, it’s not something to be so very proud of. It’s not like you earned it, its not like you contribute to the well being and continuation of the server, it’s not like your widely loved and won a massive popularity vote and its's definatly not because your nice and patient to everyone. Pope gave you the thumbs up because he doesn't know better, because he doesn't know the people that populate cdrive now. The only thing that carried you over the bar was personal points because he knows you from the old cdrive days. It’s like giving your teacher a blowjob to get good grades. It’s an empty gesture which will no doubt bring forth the direst of consequences...