November 17th, 2006
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
Status: roxified
Posts: 1,068
Quote: Originally Posted by BuLLeT 
um when u ban buck, for Owning others
Um,yeah.. he wasnt banned for owning anyone.. he was banned for his repetative and constant exploitation of the map... i dont consider sitting behind a wall with sound off waitin for someone to come across him, then him shooting through a wall owning...i call that cheating.So If no one wants bans temp or otherwise, some good advice would be to play fair Id love to see bucks stats if he didnt wall for once..at least 30 percent of his kills are through the walls, or when he boosts to inacessable places then hides and kills people that way too.. cmon, how much skill is involved there? buck "owning"??? I think not!