well yea he did get ban for owning someone by shooting threw the wall, i was watching him when he did kill johnny, he wasn't camping he was running the apartments and saw some one was caping the flag and just shot randomly at the wall and got him, if the ppl at steam or what ever didnt want ppl to wall then they would have made it so you couldn't shoot threw the walls and boosting, if u get another player to cooperate, with u to get a boost hows that a exploit. If theres a place to walk around and u can get to it on the map then it seems fair to me. Its no map glitch or anything. But w/e buck and i, i guess have different views/tactics on how to play the game, just that buck as a bad attitude and thinks he's all tough in the game when i don't....
But thats beside the point here, imma probly get my own account next time i am at best buy or something just so i can complain bout my own account being banned not bucks