Thread: Joining!
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Old November 17th, 2006
Morgenroete Morgenroete is offline
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Join Date: September 24th, 2006
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Posts: 358

Quote: Originally Posted by diamond-optic View Post
you know youve told me several times that pope has said stuff like that.. but never has he said it when im around nor said anything to me.. so i dont believe you..

but doesnt matter if he did or didnt say it.. the answer is still the same

I guess we can add liar to the list, but it has always been there. You just gave us a fresh example to harp on.

I find it absolutely comedic that you haven’t acknowledged any of the facts that have been put forth against you. Then again there is not much that which you can say, everything said against you is true. We have no need to lie when the truth is so decadently obvious.

“have the other people really contributed that much other than being user friendly?” Compared to you? Yes. It may not be all there is but at least it is a starting point, where as you only traverse in circles.

You call people retard and fag without owning up to your own transgressions. You are a child who wants “shinny” things. I’m surprised that you still try to get in, could it be perseverance or shear stupidity? You should understand Buck it’s not that everyone hates you, it’s that we tolerate you. You’re like a three legged puppy stealing a loaf of bread, or a blind man urinating in the streets. We tolerate you because you don’t know better. It is mere pity not to be misconstrued as respect.

What’s a matter? No guts, you don’t got a pair? You’re both Fraking cowards you and bullet. What are you going to do? Turn the rest of the players against each other? Poison the server; you’ve already done that Buck, both of you. You’re a malcontent and a cancer so you have a choice you can figure out how to become a human being or you can gtfo.

These are simple words on a forum. If they seem hateful then it is to your own accord. I am simply stating truths, truths that are about you. If these truths are so damning and if they bother you so then you should try to reassess your own truth.

Viper Out.