Quote: Originally Posted by
O wow, I feel sorry for the kid now. What kinds of team brings down the players in it's own server?
Perhaps you guys should turn that high power perception back on yourselves. Coltron has been wanting in since he came, and so has santa. So, you pick on a kid to make yourself look better to everyone else?
//Awesome teamwork there guys
Oh and Alex, it took Krissi and Trix a shitload of time to get in, relax bro.
wow im not sure if youve played with him, or noticed his massive influx of stupid comments since the day he joined the forums, but no one has to make fun of him for him to look bad... and if you cannot see that hes been begging to get in since the week he started playing on the server maybe youre the one who has crooked perception.
and i want you to go look and see if you can find anything where i asked to join. since im obviously just making fun of alex to try and get in right??, its NOT at all that hes ridiculously annoying and would make a terrible admin.
the fact alone that this poll exists speaks for itself.