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Old February 4th, 2007
santa_sh0t_tupac's Avatar
santa_sh0t_tupac santa_sh0t_tupac is offline
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Location: Alabama. Where beating your wife is fine and gambling is illegal because it says so in the Bible.
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Default Wow.

Quote: Originally Posted by Aequitas
Coltron has been wanting in since he came, and so has santa.

Firstly, I was ASKED to put my -application- up.

Quote: Originally Posted by Aequits
Perhaps you guys should turn that high power perception back on yourselves.

If I post retarded shit like that ALL THE FUCKING time..I would hope to hell you would do the honor of pointing it out. And if you pointed it out and I CONTINUED to post stupid shit..then I get what I deserve.

Quote: Originally Posted by HisHighAndMightyAequitas
So, you pick on a kid to make yourself look better to everyone else?

Whenever did we say we cared what anyone else thought? You post on a public forum..don't be completely fucking retarded. I don't give a damn what age you are. I know mentally retarded people with more sense than that.

Quote: Originally Posted by Aequitas
Yes, So if it stood out that much was there really a need to say anything?

Yes. Maybe he'll get it through his thick skull this time. As opposed to..I don't know..the last few times.

Quote: Originally Posted by AequitasWithPoorAnalogies
Im not trying to be mean, but would you push someone over in a wheelchair to feel superior?

Wow. That's amazingly off the mark.
ALEX = Repeated retarded actions ----> Fun at his expense in the hopes he'll realize his own stupidity and stop.
MANINWHEELCHAIR = Minding his own business ----> Nobody Cares.
MANINWHEELCHAIR = Trying to hit me ------> Getting pushed the fuck over.

A does B and C is the result. If there is no action (B), then the result is simply A as it was. have to get off this superior complex thing. Coming to bat with an imaginary reason like that instead of seeing it for what it rather lame. You could say -Do you enjoy being a dick?-. Which is closer to the truth. But, since neither I nor anyone else has mentioned our's off tangent to even assume that.

Quote: Originally Posted by Aequitas
I'm just saying no matter how annoying someone is try to be nice.

This is a bullshit loaded statement. You either be nice..or not. Using the word "TRY" implies that, ultimately, you can swing either way.

"I tried to be nice to him..but the gun found it's way into my hand and I pulled the trigger Officer." ---ME
"It's ok then. As long as you tried." ---Officer.

It's noncommittal for the weak. Would you have told the Jews to be nice to Hitler? He was really annoying to them I'd wager.

Enough of my ranting. Take it for whatever the fuck you want to. I don't really care as long as you're not misinterpreting what I say so badly -- or coming up with shit out of the air (See quote 1). BECAUSE MY HACKS ARE SUPERIOR TO COLTRON'S! HAHAHAHA.

Last edited by santa_sh0t_tupac; February 4th, 2007 at 07:06 PM. Reason: Oof. Hideous spelling errors.
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