Thread: C-Drive?
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Old February 5th, 2007
sooky sooky is offline
Join Date: February 5th, 2007
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Default C-Drive?

I just want to was bit overdue, but thanks for changing the name. avamods took C:/ over along time ago. Im not gonna spend very much time on here arguing, because I know there\'s a few of you who are dying to try and get into it with me.
I Mostly just wanna say you noobs don\'t know shit, I don\'t even wanna hear cdrive come out of some of your nub mouths. You don\'t know what Cdrive was you don\'t know how long it\'s been around and you certainly don\'t know me so I\'m hoping if you have the nut to mention my name or C:/ in another post on here you atleast know what you\'re talking about. Because the posts I\'ve read thus far none of you know shit.
On a lighter note I don\'t know why trix and Krissy all of a sudden feel the urge to apologize to beat after they bashed him 10x more than they did me and ask to come on the server at the same time. I don\'t know if yall are afraid I\'ll find out or don\'t want to speak to me for w/e reason. I just thought it was interesting you both had a change of heart at the same time. Peace love and hair grease, niggers.