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General Anything that DOESNT fit in one of the other forums.... this is basically your off-topic section..

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2007
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Default C-Drive?

I just want to say...it was bit overdue, but thanks for changing the name. avamods took C:/ over along time ago. Im not gonna spend very much time on here arguing, because I know there\'s a few of you who are dying to try and get into it with me.
I Mostly just wanna say you noobs don\'t know shit, I don\'t even wanna hear cdrive come out of some of your nub mouths. You don\'t know what Cdrive was you don\'t know how long it\'s been around and you certainly don\'t know me so I\'m hoping if you have the nut to mention my name or C:/ in another post on here you atleast know what you\'re talking about. Because the posts I\'ve read thus far none of you know shit.
On a lighter note I don\'t know why trix and Krissy all of a sudden feel the urge to apologize to beat after they bashed him 10x more than they did me and ask to come on the server at the same time. I don\'t know if yall are afraid I\'ll find out or don\'t want to speak to me for w/e reason. I just thought it was interesting you both had a change of heart at the same time. Peace love and hair grease, niggers.
  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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I don/'t know what he said....///
as far as I know krissi and Trix haven///'t apologized /
  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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If it's not an American flag, it must be a bomb!
  #4 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old February 6th, 2007
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lmao.. ya that makes sense

add a few more "\" in there.. i think you left some out...

cdrive cdrive cdrive cdrive cdrive

ill say it as much as i want.. as i took a little team with almost a non-existent community (web traffic) and server traffic.. and built it up to a top 100 server and more then doubled the traffic on the website & the forums..

which is obvious.. since now our server has ppl on it almost all the time.. where cdrives server has a few ppl on it a day, if theyre lucky... and as 95% of the web traffic comes here now..

we're nubs? lol
...why cause instead of letting cdrive leech off of what WE have done.. we decided to make it all ours...

and as far as not knowing shit bout cdrive???
lmao.. obviously your the one that doesnt know shit...

i may have only been in cdrive for 2 or 3 years.. but dont try and act like your some cdrive god that knows it all.. cause obviously youve already shown that you dont..

and when pope asked me to run things.. we both agree'd that running things the same way wasnt going to work... and our goal wasnt to keep cdrive exactly the way it had always been.. the goal was to actually make it popular.. and to make it a big thing.. which is exactly what i was doing.. and pope never once said no no no dont do that.. keep it this way as this is the way cdrive has always been... no he always encouraged me and supported me in what i was doing and he always seemed to be real happy with how well things were going.. and pope himself was the one who came up with many of the things we did that now a few select ppl are 'blaming' on me... and i like how now all your dumbasses somehow think that its all MY fualt and pope isnt responsible AT ALL.... lol you people are such fools.. i like how when cdrive was under my control and was doing really good.. no one said shit.. then once it ends.. all of beat/quik's homo butt buddies (who no one but them really knows) come out and try to say shit.. lol.. you people need to grow up.. get over it..

why dont you go and ruin cdrive (yes thats right you're all ruining it) and watch it go from being one of the popular servers in dod to being the empty and dead place like the thousands of other pointless servers.. oh wait.. it already is.. lmao love how cdrive 24 7 avalanche server is running anzio without a timelimit...

lol gg fags.. you all know what your doing right? lmao

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

Last edited by diamond-optic; February 6th, 2007 at 01:52 PM.
  #5 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Quote: Originally Posted by diamond-optic View Post
.. lmao love how cdrive 24 7 avalanche server is running anzio without a timelimit...

LOL you forgot the part about it being empty. always. unless you count the one time i saw 9 ppl in there including them. and its real funny that they figured theyd slap the name up and it would bring traffic.... YEA until people get there and realize its a regular ava server. and that the admins are clowns.
  #7 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Quote: Originally Posted by diamond-optic View Post
watch it go from being one of the popular servers in dod to being the empty and dead place like the thousands of other pointless servers.. oh wait.. it already is..


...they also put spaces in front of the name too.. like how i have/had my server name.. so that they show up on the server list (when sorted alphabetically) right where we used to be (but we are basically in the same spot too, right above them i think lol..)

the only people i ever see in theirs is beat, quik, and buck futter..

but now that they added bots.. i see one or two other ppl randomly join it for a few seconds..

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

  #8 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Toad will be there soon

If it's not an American flag, it must be a bomb!
  #9 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Quote: Originally Posted by sooky View Post
On a lighter note I don\'t know why trix and Krissy all of a sudden feel the urge to apologize to beat after they bashed him 10x more than they did me and ask to come on the server at the same time.

I called beat fat, because he is, and i apologized after, realizing this bickering isnt doing anyone any good..I have no change of heart.. and i OFFERED to come play with him if he wasnt a dickhead cuz i actually felt bad for him sitting in the server BY HIMSELF for two hours..but whatever.. do what u like,i wish you the best.. I have no change of heart..I am where Im supposed to be and you are where you are supposed to be, if you want to talk to me, add me to your friends on dod, players name is krissi
oh yeah, and never at any time did i ask to come on with trix at the same time, if i wanna come on, i will..Beat was the one who extended me the invitation to join, as long as i changed my name and kept quiet..but yeah, no thanks

Last edited by diamond-optic; February 6th, 2007 at 03:15 PM.
  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 6th, 2007
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Oh shit their server is 0 with bots?

I never refresh my server list, I just go into my favorites and
there avamods is. Sitting there waiting to take my big hard... "Garand"
Yea take it you filthy... ahem

All of our old traffic clued in and is now comming to us now on the
new server. I guess beat and quik over estimated.

I guess their marketing slogan of "h8 all niggers" didn't pan out as
they expected.
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