Hey fags,
BuLLeT here, just wanted to stop in and say hi after talking to some cdrive regulars lately. I see that cdrive is no longer and now Ava mods. I guess some of the new cdrive members finally got to see wut the old cdrive was all about. I mean i dont blame ya, after the old members come back after not playing for so long and see wut has happend they dont like it. I see nothing has really changed other then the drama that happend in the last week or so.
Yea so now to me...just wanted to still find out why i was banned from server/forums. why... b/c i was bucks bro? who didn't act like him wut so ever. I NEVER broke any rules or disrespected admins. Dia you made the mistake of banning Buck then unbannin him then banning him again and so on several times, if u know someones gunna be trouble then ban them and keep them ban. Me i just get banned outta the blue..... Im not here asking to be unbanned or anything, just that i thought it BS that i got banned for NO reason and would like to get a honest answer why?
I was looked at as a bad guy just b/c i was bucks bro, as viper one time called me out in a post a while ago.(i think viper misses buck, as i see he brought him up in a post recently, i guess he has no one to complain about anymore...

im not here to cause any drama or wut ever just wanted to let y'all know, my situation, and see if this post would get a response of getting banned
Good luck, have fun,
ANd to some of you..remeber its just a game...
- »BuLLeT«
I still <3 u trix

i was up in westchester last night at Hammocks or w/e at a friends hockey game..