General Anything that DOESNT fit in one of the other forums.... this is basically your off-topic section.. |
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Hey fags,
BuLLeT here, just wanted to stop in and say hi after talking to some cdrive regulars lately. I see that cdrive is no longer and now Ava mods. I guess some of the new cdrive members finally got to see wut the old cdrive was all about. I mean i dont blame ya, after the old members come back after not playing for so long and see wut has happend they dont like it. I see nothing has really changed other then the drama that happend in the last week or so. Yea so now to me...just wanted to still find out why i was banned from server/forums. why... b/c i was bucks bro? who didn't act like him wut so ever. I NEVER broke any rules or disrespected admins. Dia you made the mistake of banning Buck then unbannin him then banning him again and so on several times, if u know someones gunna be trouble then ban them and keep them ban. Me i just get banned outta the blue..... Im not here asking to be unbanned or anything, just that i thought it BS that i got banned for NO reason and would like to get a honest answer why? I was looked at as a bad guy just b/c i was bucks bro, as viper one time called me out in a post a while ago.(i think viper misses buck, as i see he brought him up in a post recently, i guess he has no one to complain about anymore... ![]() im not here to cause any drama or wut ever just wanted to let y'all know, my situation, and see if this post would get a response of getting banned Good luck, have fun, ANd to some of you..remeber its just a game... - »BuLLeT« PS: I still <3 u trix ![]() |
Hi Bullet! Hows it going?We are all doing pretty good, server is still as popular as ever, matter of fact, its even better.. now tht Dia is the Boss. In MY opinion, not to say that it is the reason, but probably the main reason you got banned, was your inability to keep your brother off your account.Which isnt totally fair, however, your brother is like a pariah here and unfortunately it was just easier to ban the both, then try to figure out if your brother was up to his usual bullshit.Maybe if you could give some assurance that he wasnt able to infiltrate your account, decisions might be changed..but until then, I doubt there will be anything happening. You and I always got along and i cant recall anyone having any problem with you, other than what i already said. So yeah, youll have to blame your brother for your ban sweetie..take care
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Yea well the only time buck ever went on my account was the night that we were both banned from the forums, cause my name was changed in game and he told me he did go on, but if you guys really did like me and didnt want me banned then i shouldn't have been banned from the forums, or the server. Dia or one of the admins should have came to me and be like "if ya dont wanna get your account ban make sure your bro can't go on" but nope i came home from a night class and was banned, other than the reason of i brought this among my self and it was my fault, how..idk but that was diamonds decision not any other admins.
But yea, the other week on i think da41 server they had a moded ava with exacted same setup as u guys, allied guns at axis. But yea i haven't been playin lately cause of classes and my laptop seems to have a issue with one of the windows updates that makes my mouse stop working for a few seconds during the game, only way i can fix it is restore to the date before i got the update. But yea after talking to some regs from here it brought me back to browse the forums which then lead me to making another account, really b/c i literally LOLed at vipers post in old-ppls thread. Krissi wut text is that in your sig??? |
hehe, its a graffitti text called 5 cent, Ill see if i can attatch it..nope, wont let me. but its a free font, u can google it prolly
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Hey Bullet how ya been buddy never had a prob with u same as the others ur bro is a big fag lol and i thought we did talk about u keeping him off ur account and u saying u couldnt control him hmmm i think i member that convo
thnxs kriss for the offer, if i happen not to be able to find it i'll let ya know.
Trixypoo, i miss our long convo's we would have in red room , it would bring out the color in your eyes.... Yea i can't promise that my bro wouldn't go on my account again because i just couldn't due to the fact of me maybe leaving my comp on with steam open, or some other scenario llike that. i have it so i have to type my pw in every time i wanna start steam up, but still cant promise anything. Well looks likes i ain't gunna get a response from the man who ban me in the first place, i guess thats the way the cookie crumbles ![]() |
Main man hasnt been on yet...
Why can't you Exit steam wen ur not using it...then when you want to use it open it and enter the password w/o it being saved... Wouldnt that make it so buck couldnt use ur account? |
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