February 12th, 2007
occasional visitor
Join Date: February 12th, 2007
Status: No Status
Posts: 17
Yea well the only time buck ever went on my account was the night that we were both banned from the forums, cause my name was changed in game and he told me he did go on, but if you guys really did like me and didnt want me banned then i shouldn't have been banned from the forums, or the server. Dia or one of the admins should have came to me and be like "if ya dont wanna get your account ban make sure your bro can't go on" but nope i came home from a night class and was banned, other than the reason of i brought this among my self and it was my fault, how..idk but that was diamonds decision not any other admins.
But yea, the other week on i think da41 server they had a moded ava with exacted same setup as u guys, allied guns at axis. But yea i haven't been playin lately cause of classes and my laptop seems to have a issue with one of the windows updates that makes my mouse stop working for a few seconds during the game, only way i can fix it is restore to the date before i got the update. But yea after talking to some regs from here it brought me back to browse the forums which then lead me to making another account, really b/c i literally LOLed at vipers post in old-ppls thread.
Krissi wut text is that in your sig???