Thread: Sigh
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Old February 13th, 2007
Deacade Deacade is offline
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Join Date: February 12th, 2007
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Posts: 1

Trix, I know Overlord and I know people who have badsportsmanship. Looks like you can't handle an asskicking. You also prove you're an immature and a bad admin. Ha, having to kick someone thats owning you just to have fun. Lame.

STEAM_0:1:823996. Go ahead and ban me too, i'm slightly worse than Overlord.

Coltron - You're a dumbass. "just so you know using anything that controls your recoil is fucking hacking." You use a mouse to control recoil. GGNOOB. Bans for everyone! Any fucktard that knows how to pull down a mouse can compensate recoil. Shit, I can use the mg42 effectively while crouched pulling my mouse down. No bipod needed.

I'll be sure to tell my current and previous clan to not play here.