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Old February 13th, 2007
m0ney $hot m0ney $hot is offline
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Join Date: February 13th, 2007
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Posts: 16
Default Cheating/Admining

This is for information only, no need to reply.

Overlord has made a post at our community site,, about the rough treatment he received while playing here.

We have a habit of doing that when we find a place to play dod that's nice in evry way except one, cheat accusations.

Please take a few moments to go to our site, and read our forums. The relevant information is in the stickies in the Server Philosophy thread, but I will lay it out briefly.

We do not allow cheaters for OBVIOUS reasons. Well, maybe not... the reason we don't allow cheaters is because they ruin the fun of the GAME. That being said, there are a few things we think ruin games JUST AS MUCH as cheaters.

1. Jerks that insult anyone and everyone and are there just to cause strife and argue. We warn them and explain to them why we don't allow this. Many times they stop. Sometimes they get kicked. A few get bans.

2. Racism/Homophobic/or other highly offensive prejudice remarks. Same reason we don't allow jerkfaces. We are a little less patient with these folks though.

3. Hack accusers! We think this above any other form of idiocy, has ruined more games of day of defeat than any amount of actual cheating ever has. Think about this for a second. This game has been around awhile. there are people who have played it for its entire 6 year existence. Some of them are bound to be good at it. Have any of you ever witnessed someone who is so good at something that if you didn't see them do it, you'd think it was impossible? Take pool (pocket billiards), for instance. I have been told many times that "If I wasn't watching you do that shot, I would have thought it was impossible!" There are people who get 2400 on the SAT. Ther are people who fly to outer space. There are people who can draw perfcet circle freehand. AND there are people that can kick your ass at dod. I saw Kobyashi eat 50 hot dogs and buns, and if I hadn't I would have said impossible, but I watched him.

Now online games, you don't get to see people do it in person, but you have to suspect they are out there.

Have you ever noticed it's always the guy who is 2 and 32 that cries hacks?

Here are some simple guidlines to help you guys avoid what you got here; and admin who runs his/her mouth in game, and an unhappy player who doesn't want to get banned by someone who clearly and admittadly wouldn't know the difference between a cheater at day of deafet and a fluffy kitten.

You can not spot most hacks without a first person demo as a minimum. Some you can't spot even with this. Some hacks require the actual player's first person demo. Some hackers are so good at hacking you can't spot them (you can always spot an aimbot, but good cheaters don't use them). That's just the way it is, and that's too bad.

This has several implications. A. calling someone out in-game is something even the most skilled league anti-cheat admins can not do. The only exception is speed hacks. So calling someone out in-game does two things. It pisses off someone who does not cheat. It alerts a real cheater that he is under suspicion (go admin!). Neither is very effective at anything.

So to avoid losing a real cheater, or pissing off a legit player, we do not PUBLICALLY ACCUSE PEOPLE OF HACKING (we will go so far as to ban people who can't follow this rule).

At mammajamma, we make demos, and review them. If we aren't sure, and we usually are not, we get other opinions. Between us, we have a spotless record of cheater bans. We may miss a few guys who do cheat, but we have NEVER had a cheater ban disputed.

I sincerely hope you guys adopt this kind of policy. It keeps things much calmer in the server, and it makes it easier to catch real cheaters.

Now a couple of other points before I go.

Decade gets pissy when he, or his friends get accused of doing things they don't do. Please cut him a little slack for this. Second, decade gets a little pissy when he comes to the forums and sees that and ADMIN (a respected person who was hopefully chosen for the position because of his/her ability and trustworthyness, rather than because he is a friend of the server op, or someone who just paid for the admin slot), basically say that someone was so good at the game, that it was ruing his/her time, and he tried to do everything in his power to make that players time here unfun as well. Do you guys really want admins purposefully trying to ruin someone's fun game time, just because they are getting a bullet bukakee? I hope not! To be honest, this upsets me a little bit too.

Last point. I have also played this game for all of its six years. Overlord is being modest when he says he's not sure if he's good enough for leagues. I was in all of the dod invite leagues at one time or another, and Overlord is as good or better than me on any given Sunday. He straight up rocks, and especially at avalanche (mammajamma was formerly a 24/7 Avalanche server). Anyway, in all that time I have banned many cheaters on many servers I have adminned, and honestly 99% of them are not type of people who get accused of cheating. Cheaters cheat because they natually suck at something. Most cheaters have awful scores and even though they can see through the walls, or don't have to aim by themselves, they still suck. they still hide and play afraid, and can't jump, don't know how or where to run, and don't know the map. They will never get good eaither because they cheat and thus never learn the game. Fortunately, in my experience there are VERY FEW CHEATERS AT DAY OF DEFEAT.

P.S. One last tip on no-recoil scripts. If you have rcon on the server, or the proper AMX plugin, it is possible to run various commands on clients... such as "fire". If someone is truly no-recoil hacking you can test it easily by firing their gun for them. If it doesn't bounce around ANY, then it's a script, but if it moves, there is no script and you can assume you are greased by someone of skill.

Last edited by m0ney $hot; February 13th, 2007 at 02:22 PM.
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