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Bans / Report Cheaters Think someone is cheating? Been banned yourself and dont know why? Discuss this sorta stuff & post demos here..

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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Default Cheating/Admining

This is for information only, no need to reply.

Overlord has made a post at our community site, www.mammajamma.org, about the rough treatment he received while playing here.

We have a habit of doing that when we find a place to play dod that's nice in evry way except one, cheat accusations.

Please take a few moments to go to our site, and read our forums. The relevant information is in the stickies in the Server Philosophy thread, but I will lay it out briefly.

We do not allow cheaters for OBVIOUS reasons. Well, maybe not... the reason we don't allow cheaters is because they ruin the fun of the GAME. That being said, there are a few things we think ruin games JUST AS MUCH as cheaters.

1. Jerks that insult anyone and everyone and are there just to cause strife and argue. We warn them and explain to them why we don't allow this. Many times they stop. Sometimes they get kicked. A few get bans.

2. Racism/Homophobic/or other highly offensive prejudice remarks. Same reason we don't allow jerkfaces. We are a little less patient with these folks though.

3. Hack accusers! We think this above any other form of idiocy, has ruined more games of day of defeat than any amount of actual cheating ever has. Think about this for a second. This game has been around awhile. there are people who have played it for its entire 6 year existence. Some of them are bound to be good at it. Have any of you ever witnessed someone who is so good at something that if you didn't see them do it, you'd think it was impossible? Take pool (pocket billiards), for instance. I have been told many times that "If I wasn't watching you do that shot, I would have thought it was impossible!" There are people who get 2400 on the SAT. Ther are people who fly to outer space. There are people who can draw perfcet circle freehand. AND there are people that can kick your ass at dod. I saw Kobyashi eat 50 hot dogs and buns, and if I hadn't I would have said impossible, but I watched him.

Now online games, you don't get to see people do it in person, but you have to suspect they are out there.

Have you ever noticed it's always the guy who is 2 and 32 that cries hacks?

Here are some simple guidlines to help you guys avoid what you got here; and admin who runs his/her mouth in game, and an unhappy player who doesn't want to get banned by someone who clearly and admittadly wouldn't know the difference between a cheater at day of deafet and a fluffy kitten.

You can not spot most hacks without a first person demo as a minimum. Some you can't spot even with this. Some hacks require the actual player's first person demo. Some hackers are so good at hacking you can't spot them (you can always spot an aimbot, but good cheaters don't use them). That's just the way it is, and that's too bad.

This has several implications. A. calling someone out in-game is something even the most skilled league anti-cheat admins can not do. The only exception is speed hacks. So calling someone out in-game does two things. It pisses off someone who does not cheat. It alerts a real cheater that he is under suspicion (go admin!). Neither is very effective at anything.

So to avoid losing a real cheater, or pissing off a legit player, we do not PUBLICALLY ACCUSE PEOPLE OF HACKING (we will go so far as to ban people who can't follow this rule).

At mammajamma, we make demos, and review them. If we aren't sure, and we usually are not, we get other opinions. Between us, we have a spotless record of cheater bans. We may miss a few guys who do cheat, but we have NEVER had a cheater ban disputed.

I sincerely hope you guys adopt this kind of policy. It keeps things much calmer in the server, and it makes it easier to catch real cheaters.

Now a couple of other points before I go.

Decade gets pissy when he, or his friends get accused of doing things they don't do. Please cut him a little slack for this. Second, decade gets a little pissy when he comes to the forums and sees that and ADMIN (a respected person who was hopefully chosen for the position because of his/her ability and trustworthyness, rather than because he is a friend of the server op, or someone who just paid for the admin slot), basically say that someone was so good at the game, that it was ruing his/her time, and he tried to do everything in his power to make that players time here unfun as well. Do you guys really want admins purposefully trying to ruin someone's fun game time, just because they are getting a bullet bukakee? I hope not! To be honest, this upsets me a little bit too.

Last point. I have also played this game for all of its six years. Overlord is being modest when he says he's not sure if he's good enough for leagues. I was in all of the dod invite leagues at one time or another, and Overlord is as good or better than me on any given Sunday. He straight up rocks, and especially at avalanche (mammajamma was formerly a 24/7 Avalanche server). Anyway, in all that time I have banned many cheaters on many servers I have adminned, and honestly 99% of them are not type of people who get accused of cheating. Cheaters cheat because they natually suck at something. Most cheaters have awful scores and even though they can see through the walls, or don't have to aim by themselves, they still suck. they still hide and play afraid, and can't jump, don't know how or where to run, and don't know the map. They will never get good eaither because they cheat and thus never learn the game. Fortunately, in my experience there are VERY FEW CHEATERS AT DAY OF DEFEAT.

P.S. One last tip on no-recoil scripts. If you have rcon on the server, or the proper AMX plugin, it is possible to run various commands on clients... such as "fire". If someone is truly no-recoil hacking you can test it easily by firing their gun for them. If it doesn't bounce around ANY, then it's a script, but if it moves, there is no script and you can assume you are greased by someone of skill.

Last edited by m0ney $hot; February 13th, 2007 at 02:22 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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By the way...

Please feel free to drop by www.mammajamma.org and sign up, play some, chat on the forums, etc. You are all welcome anytime!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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Thank You so much Money Shot for taking the time to post a very well thought out and informative post.Let me just say that it isnt MY policy ( im not the boss, just a lowly admin..others have their own way of dealing with things I suppose) To accuse anyone at hacking.. I may accuse someone of being GAY (lol) but thats just me and I dont mean gay in the literal sense, I therrefore am the "gayest" of all.. I agree wholeheartedly that the open accustion does nothing but clue the suspect in,a nd tend to incite other players to accuse as well.

I played yesterday with Overlord, and like I said, I had no issue with him. He was amazingly good with the mg, of course making him "gay" (hehe)and killing me constantly.. but even I was able to kill him at one point or another, and it wasnt that big a deal to me..I play to have fun, not so much to win, although it can be a nice bonus.

Id also like to point out, as I am sure our fearless leader will do so as well when he reads your post, that NO ONE can purchase an admin slot. only a reserved slot.

I wasnt there when all this was going down, although I wish I was, but I am sure this can be resolved. We all have our off days, and Trix is one of the best people I know, and as far as I am aware, no one was banned, and also remember there are two sides to every story.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to come here, thanks for the invite as well, I think Ill mosey on over to your forums and have a peek, take care and please feel free to post and play anytime!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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Like i said in the other forum...I didn't ban anyone...I pissed off someone who i wasn't in the mood to deal with...

I was fine with answering his one little post in here about the bs...But he wasnt banned it should have been over then...

But then he sent a bitch in here to disrespect me...Is that right?...Is that how you would allow things to go down on your server/forums?

I was online for awhile after the bs last night anyone can feel free to talk to coltron as me and him were having a nice conversation on mirc...Until Decade added his 2cents that's wen i exploded... Yep it was late and Yep it was comments to me that were not needed so as of right now i have no use for Overlord or Decade...He sent another (mammajamma) in here to disrespect me and if you can't understand why that would make me angry then I have no idea what to tell ya...Those r My feelings like it or not
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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What I don't understand is...okay, so you didn't ban me. But you "wanted me to leave". Which I find to be a bit childish. On our servers, the admins aren't allowed to say anything that alludes to hack accusing. We take demos and don't do anything extracircular (i.e. question someone's skill publicly).

And no I didn't send Decade to this site. He was online and I was having a conservation with him about what had happened, and it was under his own free will to come here and say what he said.

Again, I just came to the server to have some fun. I don't wish to piss anyone off, and hope this can be resolved ASAP.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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Default Mamma is right.

Wow. Did a grown person just go get someone else to come and make some gay ass post about his gay ass faggot friendly server?

"Mommy..they don't like me /cry."

Not one time that I can remember..have they ever accused me of cheating. I was spec'd a few times when I first got here and even though Trix occassionally got raped he not ONE TIME called me a hacker seriously while I was playing. Point is, I haven't seen them unfairly say anything like that. They also don't encourage people to cry wolf. See the many threads about LadyRed and her "Omg I died he's hacking" syndrome.

What you do and who you ban is your business. Same thing on this server. If I get banned today I'm not going to your server to whine and bitch about it and tell you how my feelings got hurt.

Quote: Originally Posted by ImaFuckingRetardFromAGayServer
that someone was so good at the game, that it was ruing his/her time,

Actually...he never said he had skill. He said he THOUGHT he MIGHT be cheating...so he took a DEMO to be REVIEWED. Christ.

Quote: Originally Posted by DoucheBag
Decade gets pissy when he, or his friends get accused of doing things they don't do. Please cut him a little slack for this. Second, decade gets a little pissy when...

So? This isn't his fucking server. When I get pissy I don't cry to my little faggot friends about it. And if I were such a twat as to come bitch about it on the forums TO THE GOD DAMNED ADMINS then I deserve to be banned and have them tattoo a large fucking L on my forehead. This isn't the "We Cater to You When Your Little Feelings are Hurt" server.

Jesus. I hope you have tons of pud pulling fun on your rainbow-riffic server. Stop coming here and wasting the admins' time ffs. There are few enough of them as-is trying their best to keep the server going. They don't need to spend time trying to defend themselves from every little pussy bitch who whines because he's probably cheating. Any good player takes it as a compliment. So, yeah, fuck off.

DISCLAIMER - These are my personal views. They are not in any ways associated with the admins/owners of AvaMods. I have not consulted them in any way.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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Default Confused again are we?

Quote: Originally Posted by Overtard
On our servers, the admins aren't allowed to say anything that alludes to hack accusing.

I'm sorry? Are you confused? This isn't YOUR server. Stop trying to bring the rules from some other fucking slow-to-act-cause-we-might-piss-niggers-off server.

Ever since the last crap that went on I find myself a bit more hateful towards twats moaning to the admins.

Coltron hacks.
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  #8 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old February 13th, 2007
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well that was extremely long...

.. but 1st off, you all seem to be making this into some major thing.. he wasnt kicked or banned or anything.. is this something you do everytime your on a server and someone thinks your hacking? get a couple buddies together to goto their forums and post a long list of 'guidelines' most of which have nothing to do with this...

but im sure your intentions are at least somewhat positive..

but it does seem like a common situation on all server.. someone accused someone else of hacking..

when lady red does that.. it doesnt mean anything lol. she does it to everyone.. tho the fact that it was also an admin... that changes it a bit..

and i must say.. something like this:
Quote: Originally Posted by trix
I basically wanted you to leave.

Quote: Originally Posted by trix
Well if u were Annoyed i accomplished what i set out to do

I wanted you to leave u wanted to have fun...As did i...

isnt exactly a good reason at all.. which means i guess ill need to go over some things with the other admins..

but wtf ....posted about his 'rough treatment'

you gotta be kidding me on that one.. it wasnt the best thing but come on.. there wasnt even action taken against you.. so does that mean everytime someone says something bout you 'hacking' or such.. you go and tell people about how horrible you were treated..

not only does that other stuff ruin online gaming.. but so do the people who take small insignificant things and blow them up into something like this..

any decent player gets accused quite often on any server they play on.. especially if they're not a regular.. but luckily.. most of these people dont make a big fuss over it.. coming to me or making a post about it.. thats fine.. but your 'friends' make posts (especially when they are being a dick about it) and to post a thread like this.... pushing it a bit past being respectful..

...not to mention, someone coming over and post in 'defense' of you isnt exactly helping you when they're a dick about it and disrespecting the people here... that isnt exactly good for online gaming either..

and you coming here and making this thread.. like we dont know what we're doing and mamma jamma is supposed to be some incredible role model as if they were something so great that everyone should follow what they do.... im not saying they're bad or anything.. but the ego is obviously apparent... i bet all the admins at mammajamma love when people goto their forums and just post stuff about how it should be run..

and whether you intended it or not.. the overall image of this thread is quite disrespectful

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

Last edited by diamond-optic; February 13th, 2007 at 05:45 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)   diamond-optic is Special  
Old February 13th, 2007
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and will all the other people around here that really have nothing to do directly with this.. please stop posting shit if your just gonna be direspectful yourself... that shit belongs with cdrive... not with us

its not going to help end this any...

Quote: Originally Posted by ThePowerCosmic in regards to AvaMods
They are the type of people that are absolutely destroying the fabric of america and everything that goodness stands for.

Last edited by diamond-optic; February 13th, 2007 at 06:01 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old February 13th, 2007
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This is my apology to dia...I know i shouldnt have pushed him to leave, but i didnt force him...It definitly wasn't right on my part and i agree to that i was very very frustrated after having a most enjoyable night then having sumtin like this happening...And to set the record straight Lady Red actually didnt have anything to do with Overlord i my self spectated him off and on and then i starte d a friendly conversation...Asking him his experience try to get a general feel for who he is...He made a few comments that he said then tryed to say he didnt say once he relized how he worded it...But All in all he wasn't banned nor was he kicked any regular person could have anoyed him the way i did he left on his own...But i am Sorry this blew up the way it did Dia i was hoping to get rid of the problem and come to u today cause thats how i handle a situation i talk to my fellow avamods...I have only one more comment...I speak for my self wen i say this but ...I personally could give 2 shits how your fuckin server is run...If it's that fuckin wonderful why stray? sounds like a dod heaven enjoy it no need to Tell other how they should run there Server/Community

Dia been doing this along time and he's made it along way i doubt he needs tips...Thanks ---Trix
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