February 13th, 2007
Former AvaMods Admin
Join Date: August 3rd, 2006
Status: roxified
Posts: 1,068
Thank You so much Money Shot for taking the time to post a very well thought out and informative post.Let me just say that it isnt MY policy ( im not the boss, just a lowly admin..others have their own way of dealing with things I suppose) To accuse anyone at hacking.. I may accuse someone of being GAY (lol) but thats just me and I dont mean gay in the literal sense, I therrefore am the "gayest" of all.. I agree wholeheartedly that the open accustion does nothing but clue the suspect in,a nd tend to incite other players to accuse as well.
I played yesterday with Overlord, and like I said, I had no issue with him. He was amazingly good with the mg, of course making him "gay" (hehe)and killing me constantly.. but even I was able to kill him at one point or another, and it wasnt that big a deal to me..I play to have fun, not so much to win, although it can be a nice bonus.
Id also like to point out, as I am sure our fearless leader will do so as well when he reads your post, that NO ONE can purchase an admin slot. only a reserved slot.
I wasnt there when all this was going down, although I wish I was, but I am sure this can be resolved. We all have our off days, and Trix is one of the best people I know, and as far as I am aware, no one was banned, and also remember there are two sides to every story.
Once again, thanks for taking the time to come here, thanks for the invite as well, I think Ill mosey on over to your forums and have a peek, take care and please feel free to post and play anytime! 