February 13th, 2007
Former AvaMods Member But Now Just A Bitch
Join Date: September 11th, 2006
Status: anal rape
Posts: 301
This is my apology to dia...I know i shouldnt have pushed him to leave, but i didnt force him...It definitly wasn't right on my part and i agree to that i was very very frustrated after having a most enjoyable night then having sumtin like this happening...And to set the record straight Lady Red actually didnt have anything to do with Overlord i my self spectated him off and on and then i starte d a friendly conversation...Asking him his experience try to get a general feel for who he is...He made a few comments that he said then tryed to say he didnt say once he relized how he worded it...But All in all he wasn't banned nor was he kicked any regular person could have anoyed him the way i did he left on his own...But i am Sorry this blew up the way it did Dia i was hoping to get rid of the problem and come to u today cause thats how i handle a situation i talk to my fellow avamods...I have only one more comment...I speak for my self wen i say this but ...I personally could give 2 shits how your fuckin server is run...If it's that fuckin wonderful why stray? sounds like a dod heaven enjoy it no need to Tell other how they should run there Server/Community
Dia been doing this along time and he's made it along way i doubt he needs tips...Thanks ---Trix