I pissed him off the other day and he went on a mad tirade about America. I was laughing , but I finally got fed up and explained to him
You hate the USA but yet play the game on an American server, learned English, and know all about America, so you are jealous. We understand.
You are an Arab, and hate Jews, yet you live in Denmark, which to me means you are seeking political asylum in Scandinavia, which means your country does not want you. We understand. (Norway and Sweden probably turned him down.) Denmark allows you to stay , but secretly, they hate your guts.We understand.
And Bush is a loser, so making fun of him makes no difference to us. However, I see why you hate him. He turned your ancient and wonderful area of the world into the worlds largest rifle range and the AR is way more accurate than the AK, so you get mad. We understand.
As I get him going , his score drops horribly. I just wish he would shut UP, but if he does not, nis game starts sucking big time!