my name is Christopher, I live in LI, NY. The name is a 1915 rifle designation, it really means "short, Magazine, Lee Enfield, Number 1, Mark III , the star means it has the magazine cut off removed and new sights. (as you might be able to tell, Im somewhat of a firearms enthusiast.)
Ive been playin DoD since the day it came out (with occasional breaks for things like work, holidays,and relationships), and only just got back into it. The mods are great, I only learned tonight about
Anyone who has any questions about firearms for real, feel free to send me a line or ask in game, but be respectful, Not everyone wants to hear about the flat trajectory of the 8mm Mauser while tryin to capture flags.
My yahoo name is drtoolz, and there are youtube videos of my hunting groups, just do a search on the name.